

Tajikistan: A Magnificent Melting Pot of People

We’ve been travelling in Central Asia for a couple of months now, and in particular, a month in Tajikistan. We love meeting and connecting with the local people of whichever country we’re in and Tajikistan has some fantastic people! It’s a magnificent melting pot of people from all over the region. What I find most ...
Central Asian Homestays

Central Asian Homestays: What’s The Deal?

Before coming to Central Asia we hadn’t really stayed in a homestay before and we were confused as to how they work. We had a lot of questions about how it works. Do you stay in the family’s room? Are there dorms? Does the family cook for you? Are you expected to spend the day ...
Goats On The Silk Road: Where The Hell Are We?

Goats On The Silk Road: Where in The World Are We?

We’ve been blogging away, writing endless posts about this enchanting, little-visited land known as Central Asia. But what is Central Asia? Where the hell are the Goats? I think it’s about time that we fill our readers in on the area and why we’ve decided to travel here. What Is Central Asia?: Central Asia comprises ...
travel to do list for central asia

Travel To-Do List: Central Asia

Depending on which country we travel to, we have a different  To-Do List. Some of the items remain the same (getting vaccinations, budgeting for the trip, buying travel gear, etc.), but for this particular trip, which will take us through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia & Iran, there is so much more that needs to be ...
Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

We have 3 months left before our teaching English contract here in China is up and we’ve officially started planning for our next trip! It’s turning out to be quite the process. We knew that travelling to one of the least touristy regions on the planet would present some difficulties, but it has still surprised ...
Our Next Trip is Central Asia: The Most Epic One Yet?

Our Next Trip is Central Asia: The Most Epic One Yet?

We’ve been living in China for 7 months now and we’ve started getting The Travel Itch. We need to get going again. We need to get on the road and experience new things. There are people in the world who can live their lives, working all year and taking short 2 week vacations. Some people ...