We’ve spent over 3 years in total travelling around Asia and we consider it to be our favourite continent on Earth (so far). The people here are friendly, you almost always feel safe and the landscapes offer everything from grasslands and beaches to mountains and waterfalls. Asia is everything you hoped for and more.

10 Reasons To Visit Kyrgyzstan
Of all the Stan’s in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan is the most talked about amongst travellers, and for good reason. No visa hassle, open borders, forward thinking people, stunning mountains and community based tourism projects will ensure that Kyrgyzstan will always stay near the top of the Central Asian wish list. Here are 10 Reasons Why ...

Arslanbob, Kyrgyzstan – Village Life At Its Finest
Sometimes we come to a place and we know instantly that it will stay with us for a long time. Arslanbob was one such place. We arrived at night after a long 10 hour shared taxi ride from Bishkek (the Kyrgyz capital). Even in the pitch black we could feel something special in this small ...

Community Based Tourism In Kyrgyzstan (CBT/Shepherd’s Life)
Kyrgyzstan sits in Central Asia, one of the world’s final great travel frontiers. People who plan to visit the country have visions of difficult transport, visa hassle, language barriers and all the things that typically come with intrepid travel. CBT (Community Based Tourism) is a company who works very hard at building a sustainable bridge ...