
We’ve spent over 3 years in total travelling around Asia and we consider it to be our favourite continent on Earth (so far). The people here are friendly, you almost always feel safe and the landscapes offer everything from grasslands and beaches to mountains and waterfalls. Asia is everything you hoped for and more.

Asia Globe Travel

10 Reasons Why Living Abroad Is Awesome!

10 Reasons Why Living in China Is Awesome!

When we set off from Canada to live abroad in China, we knew it would be awesome, but we didn’t know it would be this amazing! We’ve travelled around lots, but apart from staying somewhere for a month, we had never actually lived anywhere overseas. We were ready for a bit of a routine after ...
The Day We Got Paid To Be White In China

The Day We Got Paid To Be Foreign In China

Before we came to China, we had heard plenty of stories about “whiteys” getting hired by companies to pose as foreign employees but we never thought we would be involved in such a job. Turns out, these jobs are quite common in Yangzhou. We’ve been asked to be interviewed by two different TV stations (denied ...
budget guide to backpacking china

Budget Guide To Backpacking China

This budget guide to backpacking China will tell you everything you need to know about travelling China. From the cost of accommodation to cuisine and culture, we’ll cover it all right here! We backpacked around China for a month and lived there for 13 months, so we consider ourselves experts on this amazing country. When ...
top 10 things to do in the philippines

Top 10 Things To Do in The Philippines

The Philippines is a awe-inspiring archipelago consisting of over 7000 islands. Obviously, you won’t be able to see and do everything there in just one visit, but here’s a list of our Top 10 Things To Do In The Philippines: 1. Go Scuba-Diving The underwater world in the Philippines is stunning. It’s like being in ...
Yangon For Budget Backpackers: Where To Eat

Eating On The Street, On The Cheap: Our Favourite Food Vendors In Yangzhou, China

It’s no secret that food is a runner-up on our list of passions in life (others being travel, chocolate & wine), so what better place to be in than China?! The restaurants serve some amazing dishes; from tofu to chicken to noodles and frog, China has it all…literally. Even though we love eating at the ...
Is China Cheap? The Cost Of Living In China Revealed

Is China Cheap? The Cost Of Living In China Revealed

We’ve had lots of emails and comments sent to us about the cost of living in China. With practically everything being made in China due to the cheap cost of labour and materials, most people envision China as being a very affordable place to live. If you’re one of those people, you would be correct…mostly. ...