Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Digital Nomad is someone who leverages technology in order to work remotely and live a nomadic lifestyle. This is the ultimate way to be location-independent! Here we share our expert advice for “digi noms”. You’ll find articles about the costs of living abroad, guides to various countries that are suitable for digital nomads, and must- have items for this lifestyle.

looking back on 2017, a roller coaster year

Looking Back on 2017: A Rollercoaster Year

These round-up posts are a great way for us to finally reflect on the year that has just passed by. When travelling around, moving from country to country, events and memories start to blend together. By physically sitting here and writing about the year that’s about to end, it’s a great opportunity for me to ...
living in canggu bali digital nomad

Digital Nomad Life in Canggu – Our Time in Bali

It has been a while since we wrote a life-update here on Goats On The Road and I figured now was a good time to do so. If you’ve been following the blog, Facebook or you’re subscribed to our newsletter, you’ll know that we’ve spent the past 3 months living in Canggu Bali. While Dariece ...
Trip of Wonders 2017

Getting Paid To Scuba Dive: My Experience Working With the Indonesian Tourism Board

I’ve already written about my time spent scuba diving in Alor, Komodo and Raja Ampat, but they were mostly just detailed guides about how to get to the sites and experience the diving in Indonesia. I wanted to write a separate article from my perspective, as a travel blogger, being invited to take part in ...
travel to bangkok thailand drinks at moon bar

Our Week in Bangkok – A Haven For Digital Nomads

For us, Bangkok has always felt somewhat like a second home. It’s a place we know very well and have returned to six times during our travels. Every time we land there a wave of nostalgia comes over us as we remember backpacking Thailand in 2008, which was the start of our travelling lifestyle. We ...
digital nomad guide to koh samui thailand

Digital Nomad Guide to Living in Koh Samui, Thailand

There are a few things that we look for when choosing a Digital Nomad destination – good accommodation options, a variety of restaurants, excellent wi-fi, lots of entertainment, and an overall fun vibe. If you’re looking for a place to spend a few weeks or months as a Digital Nomad, Koh Samui Thailand may be the ...
cost of living in malta as a digital nomad

Cost of Living in Malta: A Guide For Digital Nomads

Due to Malta’s proximity to Italy and its location on the stunning Mediterranean Sea, you probably assume that Malta is an an expensive country to live in, but surprisingly, it’s not! Based on our firsthand experience living in Malta for two months, we can say that the cost of living in Malta can be as ...