Digital Nomad Lifestyle

A Digital Nomad is someone who leverages technology in order to work remotely and live a nomadic lifestyle. This is the ultimate way to be location-independent! Here we share our expert advice for “digi noms”. You’ll find articles about the costs of living abroad, guides to various countries that are suitable for digital nomads, and must- have items for this lifestyle.

Sailing inspiration. Payment services for making money online

How Much Money Do You Need To Quit Your Job & Become a Digital Nomad?

When we quit our jobs back in 2008 to travel the world for a year, we knew that we needed to save up at least $20,000 to be able to afford a year-long trip in Southeast Asia. That was taking into account that travel was going to cost us $50 / day and there’d be ...
travel blogging lifestyle inflow travel summit

Travel Blogging Lifestyle: Visiting Istanbul for the Inflow Travel Summit

As travel bloggers, we have the opportunity to travel to various countries around the world to attend conferences and press trips. Last year, we spoke at the World Tourism Forum about the benefits of brands working with bloggers, and recently, we were invited to attend the Inflow Travel Summit. Again, in Istanbul. We love the city of ...
websites that pay digital nomads to work

50 Websites That Pay Aspiring Digital Nomads

Money makes the world go round. It funds my lifestyle and my travels, and ensures I have a roof over my head and food on the table. Oh, and the odd snorkeling tour or night out on the town is great too. As I’m sure you were also told, “to get money you need to get ...
A Guide to Travelling in Split, Croatia

5 Digital Nomad Spots Where You Can Live For Half The Cost

As the new wave of digital nomadism, location independence and off track offices sweeps the planet, more and more people are considering new alternatives for the place they call home. If you’re able to make money online, overseas or on the go, then you have probably already considered moving some place where your dollar, pound, euro ...
inflow travel summit

Inflow Travel Summit: We’re Going to Istanbul – Join Us!

This conference was scheduled for November, 2016, but was postponed until April 18, 2017. We’ll be attending in April and hope to see you there! Of all the cities that we’ve been to in our 7 years of travel, Istanbul still ranks as one of our favourites. With ornate mosques dotting the city, the Bosphorus River ...
Airbnb Coupon 2018

9 Beautiful Apartments We’ve Rented Around The World

We love renting apartments around the world. It gives us the opportunity to live like a local and spend a bit of extra time in a place so that we can learn more about it and understand the culture a little bit better. But it’s also a lot of fun to have multiple “homes” all ...