Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

are we going to have a baby

Are We Going to Have a Baby?!

We recently posted up a live video on Our Facebook Page with the title “Big Announcement” and people were making guesses before we even got to the good part. “She is pregnant!” with a reply shortly after “What? Who is pregnant?” Of course our friends and family always ask us: “When are you guys going ...
drunken decisions that changed our lives

5 Drunken Decisions That Changed Our Lives

Most people would recommend that you don’t make big life decisions while under the influence of alcohol, but in our experience, this simply isn’t the case! Some of our best (and most life-altering) decisions have come while we were heavily into our favourite red wine, or deep into our 3rd round of cocktails. Here are 5 ...

Our Experience at J’ouvert – Carnival Grenada 2016

If you’ve been following us on Twitter, Facebook or watching our stories on Instagram, you’ll know that we’ve been having a blast here in Grenada during this Carnival season. Grenadians look forward to this time of year like westerners look forward to Christmas and birthdays. This is – without a doubt – their favourite time of ...
Our Tropical Paradise: Grenada, We're Home

Our Tropical Paradise: Grenada, We’re Home

Is there somewhere in the world that you adore so much that you find yourself drawn there, almost as if there were some magnetic pull? Perhaps it’s your home country, or a foreign land that got under your skin? For us, that place is Grenada. This Caribbean island stole our hearts in 2014 and we’ve ...
Visiting Berlin Part 2

This is Berlin! Our Thoughts and Impressions After a One Week Trip

“This is Berlin”, also known as the mantra for our recent trip to this free-spirited city. We knew that Berlin would be unique to any place that we’ve travelled in the past, but what we didn’t expect was for it to get under our skin the way that it did. Before travelling to Berlin, we had done a ...
working from anywhere as an entrepreneur while kayaking

Exploring Gozo: Our Sea and Land Adventures in the Maltese Archipelago

If there’s one time when Nick and I are bound to argue, it’s when we are in a kayak. We’ve paddled around Indonesia’s lakes in a dugout canoe, and argued about the fact that we were going in circles instead of a straight line. “Paddle harder!” “Don’t paddle so hard!” “Stop splashing me!” We kayaked daily ...