Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Croatia Travel

Discovering Dubrovnik: Croatia’s Fairytale City

We had wanted to visit the magical city of Dubrovnik for many years, ever since we saw photos of red-tiled roofs surrounded by a towering stone wall, with the Adriatic Sea crashing against the cliff side below. Every photo we saw was simply stunning. Oh ya, this was definitely a dream destination for us! Don’t Miss Our ...
Soaking up Sarajevo: 5 Days in Bosnia's War-Torn Capital

Soaking up Sarajevo: 5 Days in Bosnia’s War-Torn Capital

The plane dipped below the dark clouds and a mountainous terrain revealed itself beneath us, blanketed in a dense fog. Dariece and I both peered out the window and to our surprise (and dismay) we saw a light skiff of snow painting the hilltops that surrounded Sarajevo. The capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina was where we ...
Travelling in Europe: Highlights From Two Months On The Road

Travelling in Europe: Highlights From Two Months On The Road

As of today, we are exactly two months into our Europe trip! It’s hard to believe that just two months ago we were lazing on Puerto Rico’s lovely beaches, and before that, pet-sitting in Barbados and Grenada. Prior to arriving in Europe, we had spent the past two years travelling and living in tropical countries, ...
Speaking at The World Tourism Forum in Istanbul

Speaking at The World Tourism Forum in Istanbul

In October, we received an invitation to speak at the World Tourism Forum. The formal invitation named Mr. Kofi Annan (the former UN Secretary General) as the main speaker, and in previous years the president of Sweden was a speaker, as were many other top executive officers and political figures. Obviously this email was spam, why would ...
travel to albania rent a car

Acclimatizing to Albania: A 10 Day Road Trip

Albania is a place that just a few short weeks ago, we really knew nothing about. We arrived to the nation’s capital of Tirana at night – after a 10 hour bus ride from Skopje, Macedonia. That first evening we really didn’t get to explore much, but the excitement of arriving in a new country was ...
Our 3 Days in Skopje - Macedonia's Controversial Capital

3 Days in Skopje – North Macedonia’s Controversial Capital

We had much to learn during our time in the Balkan nation of Macedonia, and if we can give you any advice before travelling here, it would be to understand the dispute about the country’s name! Did you know that there are many conflicting opinions between whether the country is called Macedonia, or FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic ...