Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Cheap countries in Europe - Bulgaria

Plovdiv, Bulgaria: A Must-Visit Balkan City

In the distance we could see the old town, looming on a cliff above us. Our taxi circled the perimeter of the town, choosing streets to turn down, only to arrive at a dead-end or a one-way. On more than one occasion, the city map was consulted by our driver, while he mumbled in Bulgarian, trying ...

Dealing With Travel Addiction

Sweat beads on your forehead. Your heart is pumping and you can feel a euphoric bliss coursing through your veins. Your legs shift and move and you lose the ability to control them. You can barely contain your excitement. You’ve been waiting to try it for so long that you can hardly believe that it’s happening. You ...
Best Beaches in The Caribbean - Puerto Rico

Barbados to Puerto Rico – Our Crazy Caribbean Journey

Not all travel days run like clockwork. This is something we’ve learned after 7 years of wandering around the world. And even though we were aware that mishaps can happen (and will), we weren’t prepared for our disastrous travel day from Barbados to Puerto Rico. We arrived at the airport nice and early (we’re notoriously ...
Personal Legends: The Roadmaps to Happiness

Personal Legends: The Roadmaps to Happiness

Life is all about personal growth and evolution. If we remain stagnant for too long, both physically, and emotionally, how will we ever reach the highest potential of our life’s purpose? If we allow ourselves, we will be guided towards incredible opportunities and life-changing experiences, whether in our personal or professional lives…or both. I call this one’s Personal Legend, ...
The Best of 2015 - Our Top Travel Picks of The Year

The Best of 2015 – Our Top Travel Picks of The Year

This is an epic list of our top travel discoveries from 2015 including our favourite hotels, cities, meals, beaches, hostels and much more. This article is the best of our travel finds from this year and we hope that it inspires you, makes you smile, or makes you buy a guide book, plan a trip and book your flight! Best ...
barbados travel places to live as a digital nomad

Our First Impressions Of Barbados

We’ve been living & pet sitting in Barbados for almost a month now, and so far we have a good impression of the island. There are numerous things to see and do, and places to visit in Barbados and we’re enjoying exploring the island. We find ourselves constantly comparing it to our previous tropical paradise ...