Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Travelling to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: A Guide to The Villages

Looking Back on 2015: A Year of Spontaneity

I love doing wrap-up posts, as it gives me a chance to think back and reflect on all that we’ve accomplished and experienced over the past year. There are many words I could use to describe 2015, but the one that seems most fitting is: Spontaneous. This was a year of random, go with the ...
5 Months of Living in the Caribbean - Grenada in Photos

5 Months of Living in the Caribbean – Grenada in Photos

After 5 incredible months of living in Grenada, we have moved on. Even though it was a very emotional goodbye last year, in a way, it was harder to leave this year because we were that much more attached to the people, the pets and our life there. But, we’re travellers and our feet get itchy! The ...
Living in Grenada: House Sitting and Our Need For a Home Base

Living in Grenada: House Sitting and Our Need For a Home Base

I’m sitting here typing away on my computer, while struggling to keep my mind (and eyes) focused on the task at hand. This would be much easier if the birds would stop chirping in the trees, the waves would stop lapping at the shore, and the lizards would stop running around in the bushes. Our ...
Going Offline: Our Digital Detox Experience in Upstate New York

Going Offline: Our Digital Detox Experience in Upstate New York

Through the windows of the comfortable coach, we watched as the gridlock traffic and hustle of the big city slowly gave way to the vastness and calm of the countryside. Our prior night in the iconic New York City was both fascinating and exhausting at the same time. The idea of spending one day offline ...
Our Location Independent Lifestyle: What Does It Cost?

Our Location Independent Lifestyle: What Does It Cost?

Before going into detail about how much our lifestyle costs us each month, it’s probably a good idea to talk about what being location independent actually means! This is a term that we first heard about a couple of years ago, and is one that we think fits our lifestyle perfectly. Here’s how Wikipedia describes ...
Our Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Answering Your Money Questions

Our Digital Nomad Lifestyle: Answering Your Money Questions

As Nick and I continue with our digitally nomadic lifestyle, we’re often asked questions by you, our readers. We receive countless emails, Facebook comments and article comments about how we currently make money on the road, how we’re able to live in paradise and how we saved enough money to go on our first trips abroad…which ...