Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Modern Technology: Is It Helping or Hindering Travellers?

Modern Technology: Is It Helping or Hindering Travellers?

Are the latest and greatest upgrades in technology bringing us all closer, or pushing us further apart? This is a topic that we’ve been talking about for a few months now, and is one that is constantly on my mind. As digital nomads and travel bloggers, having a solid wi-fi connection is a necessity for ...
money saving travel hacks

We’re Home! Our Journey from Costa Rica to Grenada

Home is where our backpacks are. That’s just the way it’s been for us for almost 5 years now. We refer to our hostels, hotels, apartments and house/pet sitting jobs as “home”. And although we’ve enjoyed all of our temporary homes over the years, there’s just something extra special about the island of Grenada. We first ...

Taking The Leap Into A Life Without Chores

When I look back at my existence before I left Canada to pursue this dream of travel & adventure, I see a life full of things that I didn’t really want to do. I had to wake up early in the morning (oftentimes 6:00am, or even 2:00am) to go to work at a job that I ...
Trinidad, Cuba: Torn Between a Treasure and a Tourist-Trap

Trinidad, Cuba: Torn Between a Treasure and a Tourist-Trap

Trinidad was one of the cities that we were most looking forward to visiting during our one month backpacking trip around Cuba. Before arriving, other travellers had spoke of cobblestone streets, brightly coloured buildings and blindingly white beaches nearby. And although we did find all of those features during our week in Trinidad, we also found ...
Travel Cienfuegos Cuba

Cuba With a Splash of Spain – Experiencing the Unique Side of Cienfuegos

The city of Cienfuegos is located on the southern coast of Cuba and is dubbed the “Pearl of the South”. There are around 1,500 Neoclassical buildings here, a fortress used to defend against pirates in the 1700’s, one of the most important naval seaports, a long seafront promenade, and…a Spanish Flamenco Cultural Center. As a ...
Finding the Real Cuba in Viñales

Finding the Real Cuba in Viñales

Close your eyes and picture a vivid shade of green. Now lay that palette over rolling hills and sprinkle them with tiny wooden homes and enormous palm and Bougainvillea trees. Now pierce through the emerald floor dozens of massive limestone karsts. Hear pure silence interrupted only by the creaking wheel of an ox-drawn carriage and the ...