Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Living With Less, But Having More

Living With Less, But Having More

As we packed up our lives in Grenada to set off on our next adventure, we became very aware of just how few possessions we actually own. Normally when packing up a home and moving on, it would take days, even months to sort through everything, purge, pack and clean. But leaving our beachfront cottage ...
My Realization of The Law Of Attraction & The Power of Positive Thought

My Realization of The Law Of Attraction & The Power of Positive Thought

A few years ago, when I was hard at work grinding away at my job as a press operator, I honestly believed that everything in my life came to me because I worked so hard at it. I had a nice car because I worked 45 overtime shifts the year before. I had a nice ...
about us living in grenada

How Living in Grenada Has Changed Our Lives

As I’m sitting here writing this article, the wind is blowing the palm trees from side to side, Spare Dog is curled up below the table, the sun is beaming down and the tiny black birds are chirping outside. Grenada has been our Caribbean Paradise for just a little over 7 months now and soon ...
A 7 Month Round-Up of Grenada...and Upcoming Plans!

A 7 Month Round-Up of Grenada…and Upcoming Plans!

In just two days we’re leaving Grenada. This has been our home since April 2, 2014 and it truly has felt like home. We were able to unpack our backpacks and actually hang up our clothes in a closet! We made some fantastic friends and we had sweet Spare Dog to take care of, who showed ...

Our Bout With The Dreaded Chikungunya

This Tuesday started like any other Tuesday in Grenada. We woke up, enjoyed a light breakfast and then brewed a pot of coffee to take with us to our upstairs office, where we planned to work for the day. We sat down at the computers and began plugging away. Before long, the sun was creeping ...
Grenada Travel

Grenada – A Rare Jewel in the Caribbean

Ah, Grenada, what a fantastic country! This is a place we knew little to nothing about before deciding to move here to pet-sit for 7 months, which turned out to be one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. We knew a little bit about the Caribbean, but the countries that came to mind were ...