Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Sailing the Deep Blue Seas of Grenada

Sharing Our Life of Travel – We Finally Have Visitors!

We’ve been on the road now for almost 5 years and due to misconceptions, fears or uncertainties, none of our family members have come to see us overseas… Until now! I’m very happy to report that my dad and his wife decided to travel to Grenada! They just left back to Canada on the 1st of ...
Travel Hacks

The Day When… We Had $1,500 Stolen

Before October of last year, we had enjoyed over 4 years on the road with only very minor theft issues. Then, while we were travelling on the Pamir Highway in Tajikistan, we had $1,500 US stolen from us. That’s no small sum for a couple of English teachers / travel bloggers trying to travel the ...

The Sickest I’ve Been: A Tale Of Nick’s Worst Travel Illness

A life on the road isn’t all beach bars and hammocks. We’ve had some really trying times in our (almost) 5 years of travel and if you’ve been on a long trip before, you know that getting sick is all part of the fun. We absolutely hate being sick, but when you’re travelling in developing ...
Pictures of Grenada

Living In Grenada: Our Life in Photos

Living on the southern Caribbean Island of Spice for the past four months has been fantastic, and it’s not over yet! We still have another three months of living in the tropics, which we’re very much looking forward to. This is our first time pet-sitting abroad and it’s been a wonderful experience. Our lifestyle here ...
Bequia Island

Bequia Island – Celebrating My 30th Birthday in Style!

Bequia Island (pronounced bekway) is the second largest island in the Grenadines and although it has a similar Caribbean vibe to its neighbours, it’s unique in its own ways. Many Bequians can trace their roots back to the famous whalers, Joseph Ollivierre and William Wallace Jr. and in fact, the native people are still allowed to harpoon ...
Sailing in the Caribbean

The Tobago Cays – A Perfect Day of Sailing in the Caribbean

We’re not sailors, yachties or cruisers, we’re just travellers who want to make our way from one point to the next. If you look out from any waterfront restaurant or hotel in the Grenadines, you’ll see numerous sailboats, catamarans and yachts anchored out there, bobbing slowly from side to side. People whiz into shore from their ...