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Getting Lost In Yazd: Iran’s Ancient Mud City

After 3 amazing days in the desert oasis of Garmeh, we headed off to Yazd, the center of Zoroastrian culture and unique ancient desert architecture in Iran. Taking the taxi in from the bus station, we already had a good feel for what the next days would have in store. The sprawling old town was ...

Ashura: A Month Of Sadness & Self-Flagellation In Iran

Have you ever considered hitting yourself with chains to remember a man who died 1333 years ago? This may sound strange to non-religious Westerners, but to the majority of Iran, it’s an annual occurence. The mournful, melancholy parades and nation-wide sadness is called Ashura (or Muharram) and it is all in memory of the death ...
travel to iran garmeh

Delightful Desert Days in Garmeh – We Love Iran

No trip to Iran would be complete without venturing off into the desert! After spending 2 nights in the Holy City of Mashhad, we were on an overnight bus bound for the desert village of Garmeh. The bus was nice, but since it’s technically winter here in Iran (even though it’s 25 degrees during the ...
Exploring Mashhad

Exploring Mashhad: Iran’s Holiest City

We’re finally in Iran! We really enjoyed our time in Mongolia and Central Asia, but travelling in Iran was probably what I was looking forward to the most on this trip. I donned the mandatory headscarf (you’ll be seeing me in this for 32 days!) and we were on our way. From the border of ...
Why Did We Decide To Travel to Iran?

Why Did We Decide To Travel to Iran?

When people from the west think of Iran, images of Taliban waving guns in the air, buildings being bombed and women covered head to toe with only their eyes showing tend to come to mind. But here’s the thing: The Taliban are located in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Bombing doesn’t occur in Iran (at least for ...
Ashgabat Turkmenistan

Our (Mis)Adventures In Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

After our horrendous entrance into Turkmenistan, we decided to go to the capital city of Ashgabat, which is where we would be leaving from to go to Iran. We pulled up at the hotel we wanted to stay at and asked for a room. “Full” is all the Russian-Turkmen woman said. So we asked her ...