Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Onward flights plane wing

Our Plan Is To Never Plan

Over the past few years, our lives have changed dramatically. First we left on an epic journey that completely transformed our outlook on the world and now we’ve been English Teachers. We’ve slowly weened ourselves off of 9-5 work and now our future looks brighter than ever. We’ve recently started making some money from this and ...
(VIDEO) Backpacking Kazakhstan: A 10 Day Roundup

Backpacking Kazakhstan: A 10 Day Roundup

We weren’t too sure what to expect when backpacking in Kazakhstan. We knew it was the ninth largest country in the world, that Ewan McGregor and Charlie Boorman rode through here on motorbikes in The Long Way Round (awesome series by the way) and that the movie Borat was supposed to be portraying this Central ...
Almaty To Bishkek: Goodbye Kazakhstan, Hello Kyrgyzstan!

Almaty To Bishkek: Goodbye Kazakhstan, Hello Kyrgyzstan!

After an amazing 10 days in Kazakhstan, it was time to say goodbye. We had planned to see more than just Astana and Almaty, but after having some fast-paced travel days, we decided to just stay put and travel slower. We spent a whole week just in Almaty and had a great time there. We ...
From The Leafy Streets Of Almaty: Are We In Kazakhstan?

From The Leafy Streets Of Almaty: Are We In Kazakhstan?

After a quick peek at Kazakhstan’s new capital, Astana, we arrived in the gorgeous, former capital of Almaty. We decided to take the train from Astana to Almaty. After the sheer beauty of the Trans-Mongolian and Trans-Siberian trains, this train didn’t compare. When we arrived at the train station at 4:30 in the morning, we ...
true travel bad days

The Truth About Travel: Dealing With The Low Days

As we continue on our journey through Central Asia, we’re finding that we’re not our usual upbeat selves. Usually when we’re travelling and have our backpacks on, we’re ecstatic. But for some reason, this trip has been filled with many highs and lows…and we’ve only been on the road for 48 days! When we set ...
Astana – The Dubai Of Central Asia

Astana – The Dubai Of Central Asia

We left Omsk, heading to Astana, on the last day of our visa in Russia and that was a big mistake. Our bus (Click Here For Details)  was to arrive at the border at 11:20pm, giving us 40 minutes leeway before our time in Russia had expired and we were officially illegal immigrants in the ...