Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Our 6 Day Tour: Good Times In The Gobi Desert – Part #2

Our 6 Day Tour: Good Times In The Gobi Desert – Part #2

…continued from Good Times In The Gobi Desert, Part #1 Day 4: The day started with some rock-hard, stale bread that actually had mould on it. Which wasn’t exactly the way we all wanted to start our 7.5 hour driving day! Once again, we hopped in the van and continued on from the rolling hills ...
Our 6 Day Tour: Good Times In The Gobi Desert, Part #1

Our 6 Day Tour: Good Times In The Gobi Desert, Part #1

After spending a day in Ulan Bator, the capital city of Mongolia, we were ready to set off into the great outdoors and experience all that this awesome country has to offer. We met up with 4 other like-minded backpackers about the same age as us, and began planning our trip with them out into the Gobi ...
Our Trans Mongolian Railway Journey: From Beijing to Ulan Bator

Our Trans Mongolian Railway Journey: From Beijing to Ulan Bator

It was like Christmas morning, only better. The day we had been planning and anticipating for months had finally arrived! We were up at 6:00am for our Trans Mongolian Railway departure day. We were both so excited that we couldn’t sleep the night before and even though we were totally exhausted, we were still buzzing ...
China For Budget Backpackers

Goodbye China! We Will Miss You…

It’s hard to believe that we arrived in China over a year ago, and now we’ve already left. So many amazing things happened while we lived in China. We were able to learn a bit of a new language (more than we ever do travelling through a country). We made solid new friendships with both ...
frequently asked questions about teaching english in china

10 Things We’ll Miss About China

Living in Yangzhou, China for the past 13 months has been an amazing experience. An experience filled with fond memories, great friends, a new career and a cool culture. As we’re nearing the end of our time in China, we’re starting to get a bit misty-eyed thinking about the great moments we’ve had here. There ...
The Alberta Floods: How We Lost Everything We Owned

The Alberta Floods: How We Lost Everything We Owned

You may have heard about the Alberta (Canada) floods in the news recently. Residents claim to have seen a wall of water take over the town like a tsunami. My brother lives in High River, a small town outside of Calgary that was hit the hardest by the Alberta floods. His friends were evacuated from ...