Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

best places to teach abroad in china with a. tefl

Teaching English In Front Of 400 People On Children’s Day

The other day I received a text message from my boss saying that I was going to have to go and do a promo at the exhibition center. Usually this involves simply handing out flyers and looking foreign… but this day was different. When I met the principal of the school outside the massive complex, ...
BBQ’s and Picnics: A Foreign Concept in China?

BBQ’s and Picnics: A Foreign Concept in China?

One of the best things about living in China is witnessing our Chinese friends try new (aka, Western) things! Over the last couple of weeks the weather has been really nice and we’ve been trying to spend lots of time outdoors, and we’ve been trying to include our Chinese friends. Recently, we went to a ...
Six Years & Counting!

Six Years & Counting!

Today is our anniversary! Not our “travel anniversary” but the celebration of us being together for 6 years. When we think back on all that we’ve done and how we’ve grown as a couple, it’s hard to believe it’s only been that long. We started dating when we were 22 years old. We were really ...
What To Pack For A Camping and Trekking Trip

The Art Of Freedom

We all consider ourselves to be free. We live in free nations with free health care, free speech and free press. But how often do we really do what we want? Few people wake up in the morning happy to go to work. And work consumes the lives of the average working citizen. Why is ...
Not many teaching jobs in China come with a personal assistant!

Meet Standy – Our Personal Assistant in China

Shortly after starting our teaching jobs in China at Shane English School in Yangzhou, we met our friend Standy. Standy’s job is to provide the foreign teaching staff with full time assistance. Not long after he started, we all realized that he was going to be our good friend as well. *Teaching English in China was ...
Where To Eat In Donsol

A List of Our Favourite Meals in Yangzhou, China

We all know what Chinese food is, right? Before coming to China, I figured it was ginger beef, sweet & sour pork, chicken chow mein, fried rice, spring rolls and insects & organs! Having travelled through China and lived here for 9 months, we’ve started to realize that the “Chinese food” in North America is ...