Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Planning Our Independent Trek In Mongolia

Planning Our Independent Trek In Mongolia

There are a lot of things going into our next trip through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia & Iran. Perhaps no part of this journey am I more excited for, than the 5-8 day expedition we’re planning in Mongolia! We plan to trek from the Chuluut River, in the Archangai Province of Central Mongolia, all the ...
Travel Creates Bad Habits

Travel Creates Bad Habits

We love travel, I think that’s clear from the way we live our life… but travel does create some bad habits that you’ll start to notice when you return home. During an epic trip, you change so much that it’s hard to conform to a normal life when you go back to your home country. You don’t ...
travel to do list for central asia

Travel To-Do List: Central Asia

Depending on which country we travel to, we have a different  To-Do List. Some of the items remain the same (getting vaccinations, budgeting for the trip, buying travel gear, etc.), but for this particular trip, which will take us through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia & Iran, there is so much more that needs to be ...
Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

We have 3 months left before our teaching English contract here in China is up and we’ve officially started planning for our next trip! It’s turning out to be quite the process. We knew that travelling to one of the least touristy regions on the planet would present some difficulties, but it has still surprised ...
top 10 travel experiences

Our Top 10 Travel Experiences Of All Time

Travel is full of memorable experiences. But there are those moments in time that feel as if they were placed before you simply for your enjoyment. Times when everything comes together to create a memory that will stay with you for a lifetime. Here is a list of our favourite travel experiences to date, but ...

Spring Has Sprung In China

Ah, spring time, one of the most beautiful times of the year. The flowers are in full bloom, the trees are blossoming, everything is green, the sun is poking its head out and everyone is coming out of winter hibernation! Spring here in China is lovely. Here are some of our recent spring photos from ...