Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Weekends With Bernie!

Weekends With Bernie!

Have you ever met a fabulous friend while on the road and then met up with them years later? We’ve gone to visit travel friends in England, but this time we were having someone come and see us!  We’ve been travelling around for 3 years and have yet to have any visitors…which is understandable while actually ...
You Know You’ve Been Travelling A Long Time When…

You Know You’ve Been Travelling A Long Time When…

We’ve been travelling for over 3 years now and one thing has become quite apparent: not much phases us anymore! You name it, we’ve seen it, and probably even done it. Some things we may not be too proud of, but that’s the life of a backpacker. So, without further ado: You Know You’ve Been ...
10 Reasons Why Living Abroad Is Awesome!

10 Reasons Why Living in China Is Awesome!

When we set off from Canada to live abroad in China, we knew it would be awesome, but we didn’t know it would be this amazing! We’ve travelled around lots, but apart from staying somewhere for a month, we had never actually lived anywhere overseas. We were ready for a bit of a routine after ...
The Day We Got Paid To Be White In China

The Day We Got Paid To Be Foreign In China

Before we came to China, we had heard plenty of stories about “whiteys” getting hired by companies to pose as foreign employees but we never thought we would be involved in such a job. Turns out, these jobs are quite common in Yangzhou. We’ve been asked to be interviewed by two different TV stations (denied ...
Yangon For Budget Backpackers: Where To Eat

Eating On The Street, On The Cheap: Our Favourite Food Vendors In Yangzhou, China

It’s no secret that food is a runner-up on our list of passions in life (others being travel, chocolate & wine), so what better place to be in than China?! The restaurants serve some amazing dishes; from tofu to chicken to noodles and frog, China has it all…literally. Even though we love eating at the ...
Why Are We So Damn Happy?!

Why Are We So Damn Happy?!

Shouldn’t everybody be happy? Shouldn’t we all be blessed to wake up every morning beaming with excitement for what the next day holds? We like to think so. We’ve found an amazing balance in our life between work (which isn’t really work because we enjoy it) and play (which is a life of travel and ...