Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Hilarious Snowmen and X-Rated Snow Creations From China

Celebrating New Year’s Eve in Yangzhou, China

Our very first Chinese New Year spent in China was a good one (make sure to check out our video below!) Although, we were slightly disappointed by the lack of red dragons, parades and other “Chinese’y” things we associate with this holiday back in North America. On MSN it listed the best places to celebrate ...
Chinese New Year: The Year Of The Snake

Chinese New Year: The Year Of The Snake

Spring Festival (aka Chinese New Year) is fast approaching! This year, New Year’s Eve is on February 9th and the festival will continue for a week after that. Our school is decking the halls with snakes, the colour red, decorations and information about the festival. To the Chinese, this is their Christmas holiday. It’s the ...
The Right Place At The Right Time: A Travel TaleThe Right Place At The Right Time: A Travel Tale

The Right Place At The Right Time: A Travel Tale

Sometimes, when you spend your life on the road, the road gives you signs that you are exactly where you are meant to be. The universe is a strange and mysterious place and if you follow the path that inspires you, it will often give you clues that you are in the right place at ...
Why We Love Living In China

Why We Love Living In China

Deciding to put our backpacking lifestyle on hold for a year and move to China to teach English was a tough decision at first, but one that we will never regret! It was hard to say goodbye to our backpacks and hello to an apartment. However, we had been backpacking for a year and a ...
Middle Eastern Moments: The Landscapes

Middle Eastern Moments: The Landscapes

We’ve talked about the crumbling ancient ruins, the flavourful foods and the incredibly hospitable people. In this post, you’ll see some landscapes that you probably thought could never exist in the Middle East. When people think of this area of the world, they typically envision miles and miles of dry deserts. Which is true, but ...
celebrating christmas in yangzhou china

Celebrating Christmas in Yangzhou, China

Like most of you back home in North America, we were off for the Christmas holidays…well, 2 days of it! The Chinese don’t celebrate Christmas so we were glad to actually have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off. In all honestly, I don’t think we would have had those 2 days as holidays had they not ...