Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Looking Back On 2012 - A Very Memorable Year!

Looking Back On 2012 – A Very Memorable Year!

Only 3 days until Christmas? What? It can’t be! There’s no way that this year is almost over…where did the 12 months go? Was it not just yesterday that we were cleansing our bodies and minds at an Ashram in India? Weren’t we just celebrating Christmas with chai tea and Domino’s Pizza in Jaipur? Oh ...
Lost In Translation: Menus Of China

Lost In Translation: Menus Of China

While travelling around China and now living here for the past 5 months, we’ve seen some strange things on the menu. Sometimes they make us laugh, sometimes they make us worry, but they’re always entertaining. If a Chinese restaurant owner decides to try to create an English menu, it makes for a very funny read. ...
Living In Yangzhou, China

Living In Yangzhou, China

The City of Yangzhou is set alongside many canals and has some beautiful parks, gardens and a great Old Town.  There are many nearby cities that can be easily explored on a weekend – Suzhou, Wuxi and Nanjing to name a few.  The sprawling metropolis of Shanghai is only 1.5 hours by train, which makes for a ...
living abroad and working abroad in china

Moving To Yangzhou, China

After travelling the world for 16 months, we weren’t ready to go home and settle down, but we needed a bit of a break from backpacking.  Making the decision to move to Yangzhou, China and sign a 1 year contract teaching English was a no-brainer for us.  After backpacking through this massive country for about ...
Taking A Timeout From Travel

Taking A Timeout From Travel

Our 16 month world trip was coming to an “end”.  We were finishing up our travels through China and making our way down to Hong Kong, where we would be flying out to Vancouver.  So many thoughts go through a traveller’s mind when they reach the end of a long trip and are going back ...
Yangon For Budget Backpackers

Go To Myanmar Before It’s Too Late!

“This is Burma and it is unlike any land you know about.” -Rudyard Kipling, Letters from the East (1898)- Things are changing everywhere in the world, but perhaps this global metamorphosis can be best portrayed in Myanmar, where tourists are flooding in as the travel barriers are being broken down. With every government sanction dropped ...