Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Where To Stay In El Nido On A Budget

El Nido, Philippines – Sunshine and Island Hopping, This Is The Life!

After Port Barton we headed up to El Nido, another beautiful beach town famous for its massive limestone karsts that erupt from the sea like enormous green daggers. We checked into our accommodation, and even though it wasn’t a Palawan resort, we still loved our little cottage. Set amongst the stunning cliffs that made El Nido ...
Where To Eat In Port Barton

Port Barton, Philippines – The Beauty Before Development

We took the 6 hour jeepney ride to Port Barton and even though we showed up to the terminal an hour and a half before the scheduled departure time, we managed to only just get the last two seats at the very back of the jeepney next to a couple of caged puppies, and a ...
Where To Eat In Vigan

Puerto Princesa, Philippines – Finally, a Day Of Sunshine!

We flew out of Donsol back to Manila and we were lucky once again. Many flights had been cancelled in the past few days due to the weather, but the clouds cleared the day we left (go figure) and we flew out of Donsol under the only sunshine we had seen in 8 days. We ...
Donsol For Budget Backpackers

Donsol, Philippines – Soaked and Sad to Miss The Whale Sharks

We booked a flight to Donsol for little more than the cost of the 13 hour bus ride, but upon arrival to the airport we started getting worried that the flight would be cancelled due to the weather. Luckily the storm stopped just long enough to get our plane off the ground and it held ...
Where To Sleep In Guilin

Travelling to Banaue, Philippines – Visiting Rice Terraces In a Torrential Downpour

In Banaue we were once again shocked by the unseasonable weather. The rain poured down the afternoon that we arrived so we sat in a quiet restaurant and enjoyed some delicious local specialties. We spoke to some other travellers who had done some treks around the area and loved them so Dariece and I were ...

Travelling to The Philippines: Exploring the Old Town Of Vigan

We hate it when we have to plan everything while we’re travelling. We find it stressful having to book flights and hotel rooms in advance and decide how long we want to be in a country. Because who knows? Maybe we won’t like a certain place and will want to leave early, or, maybe we’ll ...