Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Where To Eat In Manila

Travelling The-Philippines: Exploring The Big City of Manila

Manila is split into a bunch of different areas: business & finance, malls & offices , Chinatown and the old town. We were staying in the old town, where all the budget accommodation, restaurants, go-go bars, gay clubs and prostitution takes place. Going out for the night requires doing some research to make sure you ...
Coming & Going - Koh Phangan

Travelling from Koh Phangan to Kuala Lumpur

After enjoying all of the awesome things to do in Koh Phangan, it was time to leave. It was a very long travel day getting from Koh Phangan in Thailand to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. We decided that in order for you guys to really understand a typical travel day for Goats On The Road, ...
Where To Sleep In Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan, Thailand – Experiencing the Full Moon Party

In my last blog I wrote about the Full Moon Party that we were going to attend; what I thought we would encounter, what I thought we’d expect (mainly that we would hate it). I don’t take back all the negative things I said about it; yes, there was still that horrendous rave/trance music; yes, ...
Where To Sleep In Koh Phangan

Koh Phangan, Thailand – Living the Island Life

Our last day in Yangon was spent hanging out, recovering from our overnight bus journey, having a nap and chatting with other travellers. We had our final sweet tea, samosas and noodle dishes and were off at 5:00am the next morning to the airport. We slept most of the plane ride and shared a taxi ...
Yangon For Budget Backpackers: Going To & Coming From

Travel to Myanmar: A Trip to Incredible Inle Lake

After an enormously rewarding 8 days in Hsipaw, we decided it was time for us to move on. We were on a 14 hour overnight bus to Inle Lake. We were lucky and managed to get some sleep in between all the stopping – seriously, who is so hungry that they need to have tea ...
Where To Sleep In Hsipaw

Hsipaw, Myanmar: The Village Of Goodbyes Part #2

We met our new Taiwanese friends at their hotel and they walked us to the small village called Naloy, where they teach. They explained how their small class had started the whole way there. In 2008 the now founder of the class, Hope, had come to Myanmar with the dream of helping the village kids ...