Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Healthy Travel - Blogger Bod

We Got Fat! Our Struggles With Blogger Bod & Keeping Fit On The Road

I stepped on the scale. It read 205 pounds. I stepped off the scale, this couldn’t be right. Tried again, the same number appeared. It was the heaviest I had been in my whole life – at least 20 pounds more than usual. Something needed to be done. How did I get here?! Unless you’re ...
volunteering with leatherback turtles in grenada

Volunteering With Leatherback Turtles – An Anniversary to Remember

The radio crackled, “Rachel, calling Rachel”. We’d been on Levera Beach for no more than 15 minutes. We’d just finished setting up our makeshift beach beds (yoga mats on the sand), and finished the briefing about our duties for the night. This was definitely not like our stay at Mount Cinnamon Grenada! Our shift ran ...
Visiting Canada: Our Whirlwind Trip Home, and a Giveaway!

Visiting Canada: Our Whirlwind Trip Home, and a Giveaway!

After 5 wonderful months in Grenada we headed home to Canada for a quick 10 day visit. We needed to get some government documents in order and wanted to see our families as it had been two years since we had seen our younger siblings. (Looking for the giveaway? Skip below to the end of ...
luxury house sitting jobs in the caribbean

Working and Living in Grenada: An Update From The Caribbean

How is it possible that we’ve been back in Grenada for over 2 months? It feels like just yesterday that we were surrounded by family on the beach in Manzanillo, Mexico. Time is flying by, but thankfully we feel as though we’re accomplishing everything we wanted to (and more) while living in Grenada. We’ve rented ...
how to find virtual assistant jobs and work from anywhere

A Life Update: Reconnecting and Rejuvenating in Grenada

We strongly believe that when plans aren’t working out, and life isn’t flowing smoothly, it’s time to take a step back and follow the path of least resistance. Our path this last year was a bit of a roller coaster, and although it was full of exciting and adventurous times, there were quite a few ...
looking back on 2017, a roller coaster year

Looking Back on 2017: A Rollercoaster Year

These round-up posts are a great way for us to finally reflect on the year that has just passed by. When travelling around, moving from country to country, events and memories start to blend together. By physically sitting here and writing about the year that’s about to end, it’s a great opportunity for me to ...