Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

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Diving in Dahab: A Colourful World

“From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface and he is free.” – Jacques Yves Cousteau –   We spent 2 full weeks in beautiful Dahab, Egypt. We arrived after a grueling 26 hour overnight bus ride from Luxor. ...

Luxor: A Blog For Budget Backpackers

Egypt has got to be one of the best backpacker destinations! After our relaxing 4 days of sailing down the Nile River (which fit easily in our backpacker budget), the 6 of us headed to Luxor. Bernie and Toni only spent the one night and we parted ways with them, again. Michel and Chisa were ...

Sailing the Nile River: A 4 Day Felucca Journey

We arrived in Aswan late at night after a beautiful train journey along the Nile River. Budget backpackers may seem cheap by never flying anywhere, but they get to see the countryside that jet-setters simply miss out on. Aswan is a stunning city set on one of the most scenic areas of the greatest river ...

Asyut, Egypt – Amazing People, Amazing Experiences

The 6am bus ride (budget backpackers have no choice) from Dahkla to Asyut was uneventful, we were both super tired and slept for 4 hours out of the 7 hour ride. I was rudely awoken by my head banging against the window over and over again…the roads here aren’t exactly pothole free. I looked over ...

Quasr & Mut: Let’s Stop In For A “Shai”

After our trip backpacking through the incredible deserts near Bahariya, we continued on to yet another beautiful desert oasis called Dahkla, a backpacker’s haven. Boarding the bus in Bahariya we were looking forward to a relatively quick 6 hour bus ride over to Dahkla. But, as in most Egyptian bus journeys, it ended up being ...

Bahariya: Spending the Night Under the Desert Stars

From the fabulous Oasis Town of Siwa, we negotiated a ride with a jeep driver (that fit in our backpacker budget). Us and our 2 Canadian friends were planning to cross the Great Sand Sea to the next Oasis town of Bahariya. It took a day of bargaining a price, 6 hours driving and 8 ...