Our Story

This is our journey and our story. Here we share articles that follow our personal adventures around the world. You won’t find any “how to’s” or “5 reasons to travel” posts here. This is only blogs about our experiences and life on the road. Want to know what we’re up to right now? Read stories about our travels here and also subscribe to our Facebook, YouTubeInstagram & Twitter.

new york

Airbnb Coupon 2018

9 Beautiful Apartments We’ve Rented Around The World

We love renting apartments around the world. It gives us the opportunity to live like a local and spend a bit of extra time in a place so that we can learn more about it and understand the culture a little bit better. But it’s also a lot of fun to have multiple “homes” all ...
living in buenos aires

Living in Buenos Aires: Our Surprising Love / Hate Relationship with Argentina’s Capital

From the northern coast of Colombia to the most southern country on the continent, we boarded our flight in Cartagena bound for Buenos Aires, Argentina, which would be our temporary home for the next month. Renowned for its mouth-watering steaks, robust wines and sultry tango dancing, we were very much looking forward to stepping foot ...
Travel To Cartagena

Captivating Cartagena – Too Touristy or Justifiably Popular?

“Cartagena is nice, but way too touristy.” This is what we kept hearing for the 5 weeks of travelling around Colombia before finally making our way to the seaside colonial town of Cartagena. Because we typically love off-track destinations, this not-so-flattering description had our hopes low for Colombia’s prized tourist town. Our flight landed at ...
woman's health when travelling visiting a gynecologist abroad

Visiting a Doctor Abroad: My Experience in Buenos Aires

Going to the hospital is scary. Whether you’re visiting the hospital in your home country, or abroad, the experience is always a bit nerve-wracking because you don’t know what the diagnosis is going to be. Not to mention, you’re surrounded by people hooked up to IV’s and being rolled through the hallways on gurneys. Then there’s ...
san gil adventure

Our Trip to San Gil, Colombia: An Adventurer’s Dream Destination

San Gil wasn’t always on our Colombian itinerary. In fact, it wasn’t until we were in Salento that we heard about the city and all of the adventure sports on offer there. We’re big on adventure, but not extreme sports like whitewater rafting, bungee jumping, skydiving, paragliding, etc. We’re more about camping, caving and trekking! ...
travel to bogota colombia

The Big City of Bogotá – Our Visit to The Colombian Capital

“No dar papaya!” This was a term that we heard many times during our two-day stay in Bogotá. “No dar papaya” is a common saying in all of Colombia, and it directly translates to: “Don’t give papaya”. You’re probably wondering why you can’t share a delicious fruit with someone, but in the case of Colombia, what ...