When you first start travelling, the entire process of preparing can feel overwhelming. These articles will help you with your to-do list, deciding where to go, how to get there, what to expect and more. If you’re just starting out travelling, you’re in the right place, and if you’re a veteran traveller, you’ll still find some useful tips here.

These Are The 7 Safest Countries To Visit in 2024
Thinking of booking your next travel adventure? With 195 countries on this glorious planet of ours, each with its own unique culture and environment, it can be difficult to know where to start. Of course, one of the first things you always want to consider – is safety. 7 Safest Countries To Visit in 2024 ...

Preparing To Travel Around The World: A How-To Guide
Sell your home, store all of your belongings, quit your job and say goodbye to your loved ones. Sounds easy enough, right? Wrong. In all honesty, prior to heading out on an epic adventure, you will be stressed out months beforehand and constantly wondering: Am I making the right decision? The answer: YES! Preparing to ...

The Airbnb Scam Travellers NEED To Know About
We’ve been booking apartments on Airbnb for over 3 years and we’ve spent hours upon hours on the website, and yet, we almost fell for this Airbnb scam that would’ve cost us over $3,000 USD. The Airbnb scam was so ingenious, and so well put together that I feel it’s extremely important that I share ...

7 Best Ways To Provide Proof Of Onward Travel
An ever-growing number of countries around the world are now requesting proof of onward travel for all visitors entering their borders by land, sea or air. This poses an obvious problem for spontaneous travellers, gap years and backpackers everywhere. “I don’t know where I’m going next, so I don’t want to book an onward flight ...

Trusted Traveler Programs: How To Decide Which is Right For You
The United States Department of Homeland Security offers five Trusted Traveler Programs to speed up the process through security, border checks, and immigration. This guide walks you through each program and will help you to decide which is right for you. Imagine arriving at the airport and going through the security line in only five ...

Best International Travel Insurance For Travellers & Digital Nomads
Unless you don’t mind shelling out thousands of dollars if (when?) you get in an accident while travelling, having international travel insurance is definitely a good idea. Most people purchase cheap travel insurance (without knowing exactly what’s covered), or end up not purchasing any due to how difficult it can be to understand insurance policies…why ...