When you first start travelling, the entire process of preparing can feel overwhelming. These articles will help you with your to-do list, deciding where to go, how to get there, what to expect and more. If you’re just starting out travelling, you’re in the right place, and if you’re a veteran traveller, you’ll still find some useful tips here.

Essential Travel Apps to Use on the Road
When you’re out exploring the world a smartphone can help to enhance your travelling experience if used in the right way. We always aim to strike a happy balance between using our smartphones and experiencing the places that we have travelled so far to see. From helping you stick to your travel budget to avoiding ...

How To Avoid Being Ripped Off By Taxi Drivers
From New Delhi to Sydney, every city has its fair share of taxi drivers intent on ripping off tourists. That’s not to say that all taxi drivers are bad. In fact, we have met some great taxi drivers during our travels. But we have also had the occasional bad experience that reminds us to stay on ...

How to Choose the Best Backpack for Travel
When travelling the world, your backpack will be your best friend. But, choose the wrong pack, and it could end up being your worst enemy. There are many things to consider when picking out a backpack. We’ve been travelling around the world for almost 7 years now, and although we’ve gone through a few different bags (and ...

Travel Advice For Beginners: a Guide to Airports, Documents & Flying
There are numerous things to think about when planning to go on a trip. It may sound simple enough – book a flight, go to the airport, and take off. But, there can be many documents required, security checks to do, and things to think about – both before arriving at the airport, and during the check-in process. ...

5 Reasons Why You Should Use a VPN While Travelling
As digital nomads, we’re constantly on the go and find ourselves stamping in to at least 10 different countries every year. This digital lifestyle is one that we have been a part of for the past 4 years, and it’s one that we would never change. With technology taking over and travelling with laptops, smartphones and tablets ...

Why Google Flights is The Best Thing To Hit The Web Since Google
First I have to say that finding Google Flights was one of the most exciting things we’ve discovered online since Johnny Ward’s travel blog (which inspired us to start this one). And no, Google isn’t paying us to write this post (although they should… they probably pay very well). We just found out about Google Flights ...