
In this section, you’ll find everything you need to become a professional proofreader. From courses to get certified in just a few days to proofreading jobs and productivity tools, if you have ever considered working as a proofreader, you’ve come to the right place.

editing course knowadays editing papers

Knowadays Editor Course: Complete Review and Guide

If you’re interested in snagging some freelance editing work, taking the Knowadays editor course is an excellent way to help you get started. I’ve just completed their editing course and, in this post, I’ll be sharing a comprehensive review of it with you. Knowadays (formerly called Proofreading Academy) is an industry-leading provider of online proofreading ...
Hand working on editing blurry text with a pen and computer on the desk

10 Best Online Proofreading Courses in 2023

Are you looking for ways to boost your proofreading skills? If so, you have to check out these incredible online proofreading courses. Online proofreading is an amazing way to make some extra cash, whether you’re at home or on the road; working as an online proofreader helped me fund my travels when I lived in ...