Teaching English
Teaching English in China is still one of the best experiences we’ve ever had in our lives. But these days, you don’t actually have to travel abroad in order to get a job. You may want to consider teaching English online.
How to Choose a TEFL Course (10 Tips to Help You Decide)
If you’re interested in teaching English abroad or online, there’s a good chance you’ve heard about getting TEFL certified. For most in-person or online English teaching jobs, a TEFL certification is one of the basic requirements. But with dozens of companies out there to choose from, it can be difficult to know which one to ...
Teaching English in China: Getting Started FAQ’s
Being an English teacher is a great way to see the world and teaching English in China is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. There are a lot of resources online but first, you need to answer some basic questions. Can I teach English in China without a degree? Can I ...
Teaching English in Madrid: A Guide to TEFL Jobs
Teaching English in Madrid, Spain is a solid way for ex-pats and digital nomads to earn some money whilst exploring the city. Compared to most of western Europe, Spain doesn’t have as many English speakers. This is particularly true for Madrid, which has an older population that didn’t grow up learning English. As a result, ...
5 Best 120-Hour TEFL Courses (+Discounts)
If you want to start teaching English as a foreign language, you might be wondering which TEFL certificate you should get. Getting this certificate can qualify you for English teaching jobs around the world and online. Many aspiring teachers choose to take a 120-hour TEFL course because courses of this length meet international hiring requirements, ...
Taking The TEFL Pros Course: A Complete Guide
These days, more people than ever are staying home, working remotely, and using their free time to complete online courses that will benefit them later. Maybe you’d like to teach abroad in the future. Perhaps you’re considering online teaching as a remote work option. Either way, taking your TEFL course online and getting certified is ...
10 Best Places to Teach English Abroad
As the world becomes more connected, and with English firmly established as the lingua franca of business, travel, and more, you can choose practically any country to teach English abroad. The best places to teach English overseas are those that interest you. It could be a traditional village or a vivacious metropolis, a steaming tropical ...