Our Blogging Journey
Here you’ll find all of our posts about our own blogging journey. This is where we show you exactly how we went from a hobby blog to a full-time, multi-six-figure online business. When we started, we didn’t know the first thing about blogging, but somehow we managed to grow this into one of the top travel blogs in the world. If we can do it, so can you!

Why Did Nobody Tell Us We Were SHEEP On The Road?
So we’ve been blogging now for nearly 3 years, and we’ve had the same logo for the majority of that time. Why has nobody ever told us that our logo was actually two sheep and not two goats? Sure, you may be saying: “It’s your site, if you call yourselves goats then you should know ...

We’re Pro-Bloggers! 5 Accomplishments We’re Extremely Proud Of
When we started this whole blogging thing back in 2011, we never thought that we would have come this far in such a short amount of time. We’ve spent countless (enjoyable) hours online, plugging away at Goats On The Road, and today we’re proud to say that we’ve accomplished a lot of the goals that ...

Keeping The Goats On The Road: How Much Money Does This Blog Make?
People always ask us how much our blog makes, and even though this is a bit of a faux pas subject in Canada (where we’re from), being transparent about earnings is also the best way to inspire people to make a change and start their own blogs. We figured we should just be upfront with ...
We’ve Been Published in Southeast Asia Backpacker Magazine!
It’s a great day for Goats On The Road. The website has been consistently picking up steam thanks to our loyal followers and satisfied readers! We’ve been lucky enough to be able to share our “off the beaten track” experiences with our readers, and in October of 2012 we were asked to publish an article ...