Today is officially my birthday! A lot of people I know dread their day of birth, hate the fact that they’re getting older and would rather just stay in bed. Not this girl! This is my favourite day/week – that’s right, I have a birth “week” each year. A whole 7 days to celebrate me.
I love getting birthday cards, phone calls, going out for dinners, lunches and of course, drinking lots of wine with friends!

As I creep up on the age of 30 (eeek!, I’ll be 30 next year) I get the feeling that people might be judging my lifestyle and I’ve already been given little “hints” here and there to start producing grandchildren.
With no baby in tow (or in sight) no wedding ring on my finger, no place to call home and no plan for the future, am I just being irresponsible in my old age?
In my opinion, Hell No!
Nick and I may lead a very unconventional lifestyle, but who decided what is conventional? Our generation is a free-spirited one. We live for the moment, we want new and exciting things every day and we are the architects of our reality.
Why would we want to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding when we could put that money towards travelling? Why would we spend loads of cash on rings for one another that we couldn’t even wear in the countries we travel to?! We have no desire to have a mortgage and debt either. If we had a child, how would we be able to be free to do what we want, when we want? Who knows, maybe our opinions on these matters will change, but we don’t see that happening any time soon.
We may not be doing what typical people our age are expected to be doing by western standards, but we are loving life, loving each other and possess total freedom.
So, turning 29 today isn’t all that big of a deal for me. I feel like I’ve accomplished so many things in my years of walking this earth. I may not have procreated, but I’m still a contributing member to society…well, to the travel community anyways! I’m doing what I love most, with the person I love most.
This past year has been an amazing one, filled with a whole new career and adventure. I never thought I’d be living and working as an English Teacher in China, but here I am! It’s been quite a ride and I can’t wait to see what the age of 29 has in store for me…something tells me it’ll be a good year.
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