Goats On The Road Posts

6 Essential Tips to Travel The Maldives On a Budget
A tropical nation with white sandy beaches, turquoise waters, abundant marine life, exquisite luxury, and palm trees – the 1190 islands of the Maldives, strewn across the Indian Ocean, is the stuff of dreams. Unfortunately, the beauty has far been hidden from the eyes of backpackers thanks to the astronomical cost of travelling in the ...

Travelling Salta: A Culture-Rich Region of Argentina
When planning our travel route around Argentina, our eyes were continuously drawn to the northwestern province of Salta, which is bordered by Chile, Bolivia and Paraguay. With so many countries edging this province, we knew it would be an interesting, culture-rich region to visit. We arrived in Salta city late at night hungry and tired after our journey ...

Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam: A Mini Travel Guide
We were lazing about in Kep, Cambodia wondering how we should attack the next leg of our trip into Vietnam. We could catch a long haul bus to Ho Chi Minh, but we were growing pretty tired of long, sweaty bus rides by that stage of our 12 month trip. Instead, we decided to do a ...