Goats On The Road Posts

Highlights From 5 Months Travelling in Eastern & Central Europe

Lake Ohrid: The Ultimate Travel Guide

The Republic of Macedonia (or, FYROM) is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, which is bordered by Greece, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Albania and Serbia. Even though there’s no ocean in sight, this country has a beautiful body of water that’s worthy of a visit. Lake Ohrid is one of the deepest and oldest lakes in all of ...

Our Experience at J’ouvert – Carnival Grenada 2016

If you’ve been following us on Twitter, Facebook or watching our stories on Instagram, you’ll know that we’ve been having a blast here in Grenada during this Carnival season. Grenadians look forward to this time of year like westerners look forward to Christmas and birthdays. This is – without a doubt – their favourite time of ...
mini guide to travelling in namibia

A Mini-Guide to Travelling in Namibia

Having traveled through 7 different countries in Africa I can say without a doubt that travelling in Namibia is like no other. Driving through the country is like a feast for the eyes. The topography constantly changes and if you happen to nod off for a nap you will definitely miss out on the bizarre, ...
top 10 things to do in berlin germany

Top 10 Cool Things To Do in Berlin, Germany

There are endless amounts of cool things to do in Berlin, because it’s just such a cool city! Berlin is unlike anywhere we’ve ever been on our travels. A trip to this free-spirited, artsy city is recommended for hippies, backpackers, retirees, bohemians, musicians, performers, families… for everyone. While there may be numerous sites and monuments to ...
Where to Eat in Meredith, New Hampshire: A Guide to the Best Restaurants

Where to Eat in Meredith, New Hampshire: A Guide to the Best Restaurants

Eating is an elemental part of travel that connects us firsthand back to whatever part of the earth we may be visiting. It’s a reminder three or more times a day about where we come from and what powers us to explore the world, as well as a direct connection to the particular place we’ve ...
things to do in malta as a digital nomad cost of living

The Ultimate Guide To Visiting Malta

We ended up visiting Malta and living on this tiny, beautiful archipelago for 2 months and from our experience we’ve put together this epic guide for a holiday in Malta. Somehow this small rock bobbing in the Mediterranean Sea has managed to stay off the radar for most travellers. Aside from some British holiday makers and a ...