Goats On The Road Posts

the cost of travel in laos

The Cost of Travel in Laos: Everything You Need to Know

Laos is somewhat of a ‘hidden gem’ when it comes to South East Asia. We were genuinely surprised by this lush, heavily forested country sitting quietly at the heart of the region just waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately, we were equally surprised by how expensive we found Laos to be, particularly in comparison to the hugely affordable countries of Thailand ...
Highlights From 5 Months Travelling in Eastern & Central Europe

GoatLife TV Episode 91 – Highlights From 5 Months Travelling in Eastern & Central Europe

We hadn’t spent much time in Europe prior to our recent 5 month trip. And now, we’re hooked on this part of the world! Check out our latest video where we share some epic highlights from travelling through Istanbul, Bulgaria, Macedonia (FYROM), Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Malta, Berlin (Germany) and Prague (Czech ...
Must-See Treasures of The Big Island, Hawaii

Things To Do in Hawaii: The Big Island Guide

The Big Island (officially named “Hawaii”) is one of Hawaii’s most fascinating islands. It’s not just beaches and sunshine, but an island filled with some of the most wonderful natural treasures in the world. It will catch you by surprise with its unbelievable landscape, created by thousands of years of volcanic activity and leave you ...
Our Tropical Paradise: Grenada, We're Home

Our Tropical Paradise: Grenada, We’re Home

Is there somewhere in the world that you adore so much that you find yourself drawn there, almost as if there were some magnetic pull? Perhaps it’s your home country, or a foreign land that got under your skin? For us, that place is Grenada. This Caribbean island stole our hearts in 2014 and we’ve ...
5 Reasons Why You Should Use a VPN While Travelling

5 Reasons Why You Should Use a VPN While Travelling

As digital nomads, we’re constantly on the go and find ourselves stamping in to at least 10 different countries every year. This digital lifestyle is one that we have been a part of for the past 4 years, and it’s one that we would never change. With technology taking over and travelling with laptops, smartphones and tablets ...
A Mini Guide to Hoi An, Vietnam

Hoi An, Vietnam: A Mini Travel Guide

Hoi An is a stunning fishing village located on the Central Coast area of Vietnam in the Quảng Nam Province. The main draw for visitors is the beautifully preserved UNESCO Ancient Town area running alongside the serene Thu Bon River. The narrow streets and abundance of beautiful hanging lanterns will make you feel like you’re ...