Goats On The Road Posts

How To Start a Travel Blog Guide (+FREE 200 Page Blogging eBook)

This article is for anyone who wants to learn how to start travel a blog from scratch. In just 10 minutes, your new blog could be up and running. In that time, you’ll choose a blog name, set-up a hosting package, install WordPress and customize the look of your blog. We’ll even show you the basics of ...
working from anywhere as an entrepreneur while kayaking

Exploring Gozo: Our Sea and Land Adventures in the Maltese Archipelago

If there’s one time when Nick and I are bound to argue, it’s when we are in a kayak. We’ve paddled around Indonesia’s lakes in a dugout canoe, and argued about the fact that we were going in circles instead of a straight line. “Paddle harder!” “Don’t paddle so hard!” “Stop splashing me!” We kayaked daily ...

How To Spend 6 Days in The South of Spain

Now that summer has arrived in Europe, many people are trying to decide where they’ll go for their next Euro trip. While the north end of the continent is still seeing lows of 12°C, the southern parts are enjoying a balmy 30°C throughout the day. Spain is one of the cheapest countries in the world to ...
Visiting Gozo Island

Visiting Gozo Island: Our Weekend Getaway from Malta

If you’re like us, you may not have realized that the island nation of Malta is actually an archipelago, with three of the islands – Malta, Gozo and Comino – being inhabited. Malta is the largest and most developed of the three, while Comino only has one small hotel on the entire island. Gozo isn’t physically located ...
5 Ways To Save Money on Airfare

5 Ways To Save Money on Airfare

Whenever you sit down on a plane, there’s a good chance that the person sitting next to you paid far less than you did. This isn’t always because they booked early or had a travel agent find them a deal, it’s usually because they know a few easy tricks to save money on flights. Dariece and ...
10 Offbeat Museums in Germany You Won't Want to Miss!

10 Offbeat Museums in Germany You Won’t Want to Miss!

This is a guest post from Naddya, a Bulgarian expat living in Germany. Here she shares some of her favourite museums in the country. Trust us, these aren’t your every day, boring museums! Have a look and learn more about Naddya in the author’s bio below. Do you think museums are boring? Have you visited ...