Goats On The Road Posts

barbados travel places to live as a digital nomad

Our First Impressions Of Barbados

We’ve been living & pet sitting in Barbados for almost a month now, and so far we have a good impression of the island. There are numerous things to see and do, and places to visit in Barbados and we’re enjoying exploring the island. We find ourselves constantly comparing it to our previous tropical paradise ...
Onward flights plane wing

Fantastic France: 5 Things to Do

The following article was written by Tom Mcloughlin. Read more about Tom in the author’s bio at the bottom of this post. There are so many more amazing places to visit in France than just Paris and the Eiffel Tower. There are some other excellent regions to visit such as Provence, Alsace, Burgundy, Normandy, Bordeaux, Brittany ...
Travelling to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: A Guide to The Villages

Looking Back on 2015: A Year of Spontaneity

I love doing wrap-up posts, as it gives me a chance to think back and reflect on all that we’ve accomplished and experienced over the past year. There are many words I could use to describe 2015, but the one that seems most fitting is: Spontaneous. This was a year of random, go with the ...
the city walls of dubrovnik croatia

5 of the Best Mediterranean City Breaks

The following article was written by Tom Mcloughlin (aka Backpacker Boy). Read more about Tom in the Author’s Bio at the bottom of this post. There are many wonderful destinations to explore in the Mediterranean region. These range from small idyllic islands to bustling cosmopolitan cities that are rich in history and culture. If you’re looking ...
9 Awesome Gadgets That We Are Super Stoked About

9 Awesome Gadgets That We Are Super Stoked About

I recently wrote about some excellent time-saving upgrades that we’ve invested in, but we’ve also put some money into a few incredible new gadgets that are sure to take our business, videos and photography to the next level. Christmas time is just around the corner and if you’re looking for some awesome electronic gifts to get ...
5 Months of Living in the Caribbean - Grenada in Photos

5 Months of Living in the Caribbean – Grenada in Photos

After 5 incredible months of living in Grenada, we have moved on. Even though it was a very emotional goodbye last year, in a way, it was harder to leave this year because we were that much more attached to the people, the pets and our life there. But, we’re travellers and our feet get itchy! The ...