Goats On The Road Posts
Camagüey, Cuba: A Mini-Guide For Travellers
Unless you’ve been travelling in Cuba, or researching a trip to the Caribbean island, you probably have never even heard of Camagüey, which is known for its maze of alleyways, Spanish plazas, performing arts and numerous cathedrals. After reading about how the city was continuously attacked by pirates, and how the labyrinth of streets is often compared ...
How To Get A Working Holiday Visa in Australia
This is a guest post from the well-travelled Anna of Global Gallivanting. She travels the world on a budget, and found a unique way to earn money for travel by working in Australia! Read on to learn how you too can get a working holiday visa in Australia, how much you can earn, and where ...
Travelling to Lake Atitlán, Guatemala: A Guide to The Villages
Lake Atitlán, Guatemala has long been a popular hangout for hippies, backpackers, expats and travellers. And, after living on the lake for two months in early 2015, we can definitely see why! There’s just something about Lake Atitlán that gets under your skin, and ultimately makes it very difficult to leave. Lago de Atitlán as it’s known ...
Online Spanish Classes – We’re Finally Learning a Second Language!
“You’ve travelled the world for 5 years, you must speak at least two languages, right?” “You guys lived in China, you must be able to speak quite a bit of Mandarin.” “You’re from Canada, so you obviously speak French and English.” People often assume that just because we’ve travelled a lot and lived in a ...