Goats On The Road Posts

21 Outstanding Photos From Langar

21 Outstanding Photos From Langar, Tajikistan

The Pamir Highway, spanning from Kyrgyzstan to Tajikistan in Central Asia, is, quite possibly, the most picturesque area of the world we’ve ever been. Towering snow-capped mountains, windy high altitude roads, friendly local people and lush valleys and rivers are the scenery one can expect along the way. Each village, each ancient site and each lake that ...
Finding the Real Cuba in Viñales

Finding the Real Cuba in Viñales

Close your eyes and picture a vivid shade of green. Now lay that palette over rolling hills and sprinkle them with tiny wooden homes and enormous palm and Bougainvillea trees. Now pierce through the emerald floor dozens of massive limestone karsts. Hear pure silence interrupted only by the creaking wheel of an ox-drawn carriage and the ...
Travel Tips

Essential Time-Saving Upgrades Every Digital Nomad Should Consider

If you work from your computer, or from your devices, or even if you’re just on them a lot, then you should remind yourself of just how valuable your time is. For every minute you wait for that pesky color wheel or hour-glass, you could be out enjoying the world! For years I was using ...
Thailand Travel

The Paradise Pack – Showing You How to Travel Forever and Live For Free

Travelling and living abroad full-time is what we’re all about. It’s what we do, it’s what we love. We write about these topics on our website often, but haven’t yet written an e-book about this lifestyle (we plan to soon!) We’re all about helping people change their lives and live a life filled with more ...
Making The Most Of Santorini

Sunsets & Side Trips: Making The Most Of Santorini

All of the romantic visions that you have of Santorini are true. Cycladic style houses, castles and churches cling to a rocky Greek island volcano caldera, their whitewashed facades and powder-blue roofs offering a lovely contrast to the azure sky and the calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea, some 300 meters below. Santorini is everything you would hope ...
Cuban Myths: Tackling Misconceptions About Cuba

Havana, Cuba – Could This Be Our New Favourite City?

It’s hard to put the essence of Havana into words. The colourful capital city is a place that has to be felt in order to truly understand what makes it tick. There’s just something about it. Havana has a vibe, and a feeling, like no other place we’ve ever experienced. It has officially become our ...