Goats On The Road Posts

Rhythms Of The Night - An Evening of Magic Under The Stars

Rhythms Of The Night – An Evening of Magic Under The Stars

Over the past couple of years, we’ve become very interested in seeing cultural shows, musical performances and theatrical dance. Whenever we’re travelling, we now look for the local entertainment in each country we visit. Friends and family had told us about the popular event, Rhythms Of The Night, which is one of the most popular ...
Onward flights plane wing

The Goats Are On The Road! Our Journey From Grenada to Mexico

It was a long and emotional journey travelling to Mexico from Grenada, but after 22 hours of flying on a horrible airline and freezing in various airports, we arrived in Puerto Vallarta! We felt like proper backpackers again with our bags slung over our shoulders as we waited for the local bus to take us to ...
The Rickshaw Run

6 Epic Adventures That Are On Our Travel Bucketlist

We’ve conquered some pretty epic feats in our day, from trekking for 8 days across the Mongolian Steppe to flying over the Pamir Mountains in a helicopter, but we still have many adventures that we have not yet completed. These experiences lay dormant in the recesses of our travel obsessed minds, waiting to one day be surmounted. ...
10 Useful Apps That You Should Download Before You Travel

Teetering On The Work / Life Tightrope

“Being a millionaire is useless if you have no life.” This is something we’ve come to realize in the past few years and as we build our blog, online business and freelancing careers, we’re receiving more and more offers to make money on the road, and we’ve actually started turning some of them down. When ...
Living With Less, But Having More

Living With Less, But Having More

As we packed up our lives in Grenada to set off on our next adventure, we became very aware of just how few possessions we actually own. Normally when packing up a home and moving on, it would take days, even months to sort through everything, purge, pack and clean. But leaving our beachfront cottage ...
My Realization of The Law Of Attraction & The Power of Positive Thought

My Realization of The Law Of Attraction & The Power of Positive Thought

A few years ago, when I was hard at work grinding away at my job as a press operator, I honestly believed that everything in my life came to me because I worked so hard at it. I had a nice car because I worked 45 overtime shifts the year before. I had a nice ...