Goats On The Road Posts

Owning a Business & Living the Dream

Owning a Business & Living the Dream: An Inspirational Interview with Darryl Kotyk

We’ve come in contact with many inspirational, influential people who have incredible travel jobs. We met Darryl when we were living in Grenada and he’s since become a great friend. He’s a successful business owner living in paradise, but more importantly, he’s created the lifestyle of his dreams. While he may not have the freedom ...
about us living in grenada

How Living in Grenada Has Changed Our Lives

As I’m sitting here writing this article, the wind is blowing the palm trees from side to side, Spare Dog is curled up below the table, the sun is beaming down and the tiny black birds are chirping outside. Grenada has been our Caribbean Paradise for just a little over 7 months now and soon ...
A 7 Month Round-Up of Grenada...and Upcoming Plans!

A 7 Month Round-Up of Grenada…and Upcoming Plans!

In just two days we’re leaving Grenada. This has been our home since April 2, 2014 and it truly has felt like home. We were able to unpack our backpacks and actually hang up our clothes in a closet! We made some fantastic friends and we had sweet Spare Dog to take care of, who showed ...
professional travel blogger Nick working from hammock in the Caribbean

Blog Update From The Goats – Why October Was Such an Epic Month!

We’ve been plugging away at Goats On The Road for 2 and a half years, and we’ve definitely had our ups and our downs. However, we’re very happy to report that more positive things happened for our business in October, than in the other 29 months combined! We’re so proud of the accomplishments we’ve made recently, which we ...
Cycling Around South Grenada With Mocha Spoke

Cycling Around South Grenada With Mocha Spoke

Mocha Spoke has long been our favourite coffee shop on the island of Grenada. Not just because we’ve become great friends with the owners, but because it’s just a cool place to hang out and meet people over a steamy cup of joe.  The cafe is unique to the Caribbean because it is a coffee shop ...
working in paradise writing sponsored posts

7 Reasons Why We Love The Location Indie Life (How You Can Too)

I’m writing this post to share a bit about our new location independent lifestyle, what it means to us and how you too can live a freer, happier life. We were once living a life that we didn’t enjoy, so we made some serious changes and now we live an amazing life filled with freedom, ...