Goats On The Road Posts

Island Fever: A Thai Tour To Remember
I’d never been on a motorbike with more than two people before 2009, but nowadays it surprises me to see one go by with two or fewer passengers. Whilst you do start to expect to see sights like this living in Thailand, there are some things that the western eye/mind will never quite get used ...

The Big Reveal…Where Are We Going Next?!
Somehow, our two and a half months in Mexico and Belize have come to an end and we’re shocked that we fly out on April 1st, tomorrow! Over the past few months, we’ve been giving you little hints and mentioning that we’re going somewhere fantastic for our first pet-sitting job with Trusted House Sitters. Our ...

The Goats Have Had A Makeover!
Hey everyone! As you may have noticed, the site has been down for 24 hours as we’ve just had an extensive face lift… but we’re back now! The days of black and beige are gone and we’re now brighter than ever! We’ve been enlightened in both colour and content. Our new tagline: Inspiring a life ...

10 Methods FOR ANYONE Who Wants To Make Money Abroad
Everyone wants to make money. Some people want to travel. And all of the people who want to travel long-term want to know how to make money abroad so that they can extend their travels. Over the past 4 years, we’ve learned many ways to make money on the road and stay travelling forever. We ...