Goats On The Road Posts

The Travel Itch - Why True Travellers Can't Stay Still

The End Is Near – So What’s Next?

Our five month trip through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia and Iran is over. And, as always, we’re having mixed feelings about the end of our journey. On one hand, we’re excited to go home and visit family and friends, but on the other hand, we’re both sad that it’s “over”. “The future belongs to those who ...
travel tabriz & tehran

Tabriz & Tehran: The End Of Our Epic Adventure!

After 5 days in Esfahan, we waved good-bye to the most generous couple we’ve ever met in our lives. Just hours later the wheels of the plane were lifting off and we were flying to Tabriz (that’s right we flew… only $40 each!). We arrived around midnight and took a taxi to our hotel where ...
moshi to dar

Scammed At The Tanzanian Border: A Travel Tale

We like to think of ourselves as backpacking “vets”. We’re not rookies, we’ve been travelling a long time, we know the ways of the world and we know what to do and what not to do, right? Wrong. We had this humbling experience while trying to cross by land from Malawi to Tanzania. It was ...
looking back on 2013

Tourist Pricing: Is It Right Or Wrong?

Note: Our views on Tourist Pricing have completely changed since writing this article in 2013. It’s amazing how we grow and learn as we travel. While there are still good arguments on both sides, we now believe (strongly) that all people deserve to see the sights in their own country. It is unfair that tourists ...
iranian people

Esfahan, Iran: Taking Hospitality to a Whole New Level

When it comes to hospitality, generosity and kindness, the people of Iran rank at the top of the list. When we were out in the middle of nowhere in the Desert of Garmeh, we met a lovely couple who gave us their number after only 5 minutes of knowing them. They said to call them ...
Shiraz: Pushing the Boundaries of Islamic Law

Shiraz, Iran: Pushing the Boundaries of Islamic Law

Shiraz is one of the most famous cities in all of Iran. Before the Revolution of 1979, people here sipped on fine Shiraz wines, recited poetry from the famous poet, Hafiz, explored the arts freely and enjoyed a more western way of life. Nowadays, the vineyards growing the famous Shiraz grapes have been destroyed. Hafiz poetry ...