Goats On The Road Posts

What To Pack For A Camping and Trekking Trip

What To Pack For A Camping and Trekking Trip

Since upgrading our backpacks and joining the ultralight world of backpacking and travel, we’ve also changed our packing list. We will be packing these items for this upcoming five month trip through Mongolia, Russia, Central Asia and Iran. We’ll be doing lots of trekking, camping and fishing. If you’re wondering what to pack for a trip ...
slow travel

A Travel Collection: What Do Your Favourite Bloggers Collect From Abroad?

This is a very special post. It’s the first collaborative article we’ve ever had on our site! Some awesome bloggers from our travel community have joined together to chat about their travel collections. What do we collect during our adventures abroad? Wondering what’s in our backpacks after each country we visit? Here are some answers: ...
Cruising Crete By Car: 5 Must-See Stops

5 Reasons To Travel To Crete

Crete has always been one of our favorite holiday destinations. That’s right, we need a holiday too! Even long-term travellers take “time-off”. We need a vacation from travel which, as travellers know, isn’t a vacation. Well, Crete has something for everyone. From historians to hikers and foodies to fun-seekers, there are plenty of reasons to ...
Top 10 Things To Do In Shanghai

Top 10 Things To Do In Shanghai

There are so many things to do in Shanghai! We’ve been to this massive city 10 times over the last 14 months of living and travelling in China. We love this big, bustling metropolis and all it has to offer. There are over 23 million people in Shanghai, from all walks of life. It’s a very ...
frequently asked questions about teaching english in china

10 Things We’ll Miss About China

Living in Yangzhou, China for the past 13 months has been an amazing experience. An experience filled with fond memories, great friends, a new career and a cool culture. As we’re nearing the end of our time in China, we’re starting to get a bit misty-eyed thinking about the great moments we’ve had here. There ...
The Alberta Floods: How We Lost Everything We Owned

The Alberta Floods: How We Lost Everything We Owned

You may have heard about the Alberta (Canada) floods in the news recently. Residents claim to have seen a wall of water take over the town like a tsunami. My brother lives in High River, a small town outside of Calgary that was hit the hardest by the Alberta floods. His friends were evacuated from ...