Goats On The Road Posts


10 Reasons To Travel To Turkey

Turkey ranks at the top as one of our favourite countries to backpack through. It’s one of the cheapest countries in the world and it also has some of the best cuisine. We were only going to spend three and a half weeks there but ended up spending five weeks! There’s so much to see ...
Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

Travelling to Central Asia: Pressures Of The Planning Process

We have 3 months left before our teaching English contract here in China is up and we’ve officially started planning for our next trip! It’s turning out to be quite the process. We knew that travelling to one of the least touristy regions on the planet would present some difficulties, but it has still surprised ...
top 10 travel experiences

Our Top 10 Travel Experiences Of All Time

Travel is full of memorable experiences. But there are those moments in time that feel as if they were placed before you simply for your enjoyment. Times when everything comes together to create a memory that will stay with you for a lifetime. Here is a list of our favourite travel experiences to date, but ...

Spring Has Sprung In China

Ah, spring time, one of the most beautiful times of the year. The flowers are in full bloom, the trees are blossoming, everything is green, the sun is poking its head out and everyone is coming out of winter hibernation! Spring here in China is lovely. Here are some of our recent spring photos from ...
Weekends With Bernie!

Weekends With Bernie!

Have you ever met a fabulous friend while on the road and then met up with them years later? We’ve gone to visit travel friends in England, but this time we were having someone come and see us!  We’ve been travelling around for 3 years and have yet to have any visitors…which is understandable while actually ...
the complete packing list for women

The Complete Travel Packing List For Women

We’ve written about what we consider to be “backpack essentials” for a trip around the world, but we thought we should put together a travel packing list to show exactly what’s in each of our backpacks. Obviously, there are differences between what Nick packs and what I pack, so this post will be all about ...