Goats On The Road Posts

Where To Sleep In Hsipaw

Hsipaw, Myanmar: The Village Of Goodbyes Part #1

We left the temples, payas and pagoda’s of Bagan to head for the hills, tribes and treks in the northern village of Hsipaw. But first we had to go to another one of Myanmar’s major cities, Mandalay. Not just a congested mix of buildings and traffic, Mandalay actually has some charm and there is plenty ...
Burma On The Brink: Travelling from Bangkok to Burma

Burma On The Brink: Travelling from Bangkok to Burma

Our flight from Delhi to Bangkok left at 5:00 in the morning so we decided to sleep in the airport. There’s no point booking a hotel just to get up at 2:00am to be at the airport in time for an international flight. The airport was nice enough but the seats were uncomfortable and hard ...
Yoga In Rishikesh, India: On The Banks Of The Ganges River

Yoga In Rishikesh, India: On The Banks Of The Ganges River

 “You don’t have to stand on your head to be a good person” – Mattaji  Ever since our last trip, and ever since reading Eat, Pray, Love, I have been interested in spending some time in an Ashram and doing yoga in India. We were heading back to India, one of our favourite countries. A country ...
Jaipur, India - Exploring The Pink City

Jaipur, India – Exploring The Pink City

“We all travel thousands of miles just to watch TV and check into somewhere with all the comforts of home and you gotta ask yourself, what is the point of that?” – Leonardo DiCaprio, The Beach – After Delhi we headed for Jaipur, The pink city of Rajasthan. We have been to Rajasthan once before ...
Backpacking India: Our Trip to Delhi

Backpacking India: Our Trip to Delhi

We flew to Delhi, preparing ourselves for the worst kind of hectic. This would be our third time backpacking India and somehow, on the previous two visits, we had managed to avoid this infamously chaotic city. Even India veterans have told us that Delhi can be a challenge.  It’s an incredibly chaotic city… and we ...
Pokhara, Nepal: Coming Back Down To Earth

Pokhara, Nepal: Coming Back Down To Earth

Coming down from the trek was bittersweet. On one hand, we were looking forward to being back in ‘civilization’…aka, proper coffee, hot showers and food other than noodles and lentils. On the other hand, we were sad to say goodbye to the fresh air, peacefulness and serenity of the Himalayas, something only nature and rural ...