Goats On The Road Posts

10 reasons to travel to africa

Pemba to Ibo Island, Mozambique – When Henny Met Henrik

We all woke up at 3:45 am and headed down to the bus station to catch the 4:30 bus North to Pemba. Each morning became harder to wake up as our bodies were slowly running out of fuel. We slept for most of the 10 hour bus journey but woke up every time the bus ...
Vilanculos to Nampula, Mozambique - A Very Long Hitch-Hiking Day

Vilanculos to Nampula, Mozambique – A Very Long Hitch-Hiking Day

We all got up at 6:00am (which would soon become known as “sleeping in”), had a quick breakfast, hoisted our backpacks over our shoulders and took off walking down the dusty roads and through the villages towards town. We were heading to Beira and then eventually Nampula. Since the bus timetables in Mozambique are very ...
The Essential European Winter Beach Holiday Destinations

Vilanculos, Mozambique – Beaches & Blindfolds

Each travel day in Africa is crazy, hectic, amazing …and at times, trying. We left Tofo and took a small chapa (mini bus/van) to the town of Imhambane. From there, we boarded a ferry and went to Maxixe, from there it was a 4 hour ride to Vilankulo. Along the way, there are always local ...
Tofo, Mozambique - The Most Memorable Dive Yet

Tofo, Mozambique – The Most Memorable Dive Yet

While travelling in Tofo, Mozambique, our new German friend, Henry, came back from a dive and said it was amazing. He saw some sharks and a huge small-eyed sting ray, the rarest ray in the world. As he explained the dive site I knew I had to plan to go the next day. He said the ...
Maputo & Tofo, Mozambique - New Friends & New Adventures

Maputo & Tofo, Mozambique – New Friends & New Adventures

From Pretoria in South Africa, it was about an 11 hour bus ride to the Capital City of Maputo in Mozambique. We were told before that if we didn’t have our Mozambican Visas prior to arriving at the border, then the bus would leave without us. Good thing we listened to that advice because the ...
Umzumbe, Umkomaas, St. Lucia & Swaziland - Reaching The End Of Our Epic South Africa Journey

Umzumbe, Umkomaas, St. Lucia & Swaziland – Reaching The End Of Our Epic South Africa Journey

We drove our little Chevy Spark from Port St. Johns to Umzumbe to stay at the recommended backpackers – Mantis and Moon. There were no tourists there at all! Just me, Nick and the 3 staff that worked there. We hungout with them, went down to check out the beach. I wasn’t really interested in ...