Goats On The Road Posts


How Can We Make Our Way Around The World, When We Can’t Even Get Out Of London?

Honestly, you would think we were rookies or something. All we had to do was take a bus from Brighton to London, an underground train from one stop to the next and then a bus to York. When it came time to find the bus to York, we were running around totally lost. We didn’t ...
Brighton & London- Let's Stop In For A Pint

Brighton & London: Let’s Stop In For A Pint

Well, the plan to get up at 3:00am (to avoid jet lag) for 3 days before flying out backfired…horribly. We got on the plane and couldn’t sleep at all, it was so uncomfortable, the lights were on practically the whole time and we were much too tall for the seats! However, we arrived in England ...
our first backpacking trip to southeast asia

Our First Backpacking Trip – Where It All Began!

Our travel life began long before Goats On The Road was born, and because of that, we don’t really have any stories from our First Trip. We constantly refer to “our first trip” or “when we first started travelling” on this site, but where did we go? What did we do? When did we do ...